Maximize your solar power: a complete guide to solar panels, batteries, and energy independence

solar panels installed on a rooftop

Want to harness the power of the sun to generate renewable energy? We’ve gathered many key aspects worth considering when evaluating a solar panel system.

Solar panels are an investment—both a financial and an environmental sense. With the right solar panels and proper installation, you can save money while your household contributes to the green transition. However, there are many things to be aware of before making the decision. We’ve collected some of the most important points in this article.

How solar panel systems work

Solar panels convert sunlight into electrical energy through photovoltaic cells. When sunlight hits the panels, photons from the light are absorbed, releasing electrons that generate electrical current. This current is direct current (DC), which is converted into alternating current (AC) via an inverter, so the electricity can be used in your home.

Different types of solar panels

There are several types of solar panels. Broadly, they are categorized into panels mounted on an existing surface of the building and panels that are integrated into a new surface. The first type is traditional solar panels installed on top of an existing roof, while the latter, integrated solutions include solar roof tiles. If you are planning to replace your roof, you can choose a roof structure with integrated solar panels.

The most commonly sold type is monocrystalline panels, recognizable by their uniform black or dark gray surface. They have the highest efficiency, meaning they produce more electricity per square meter, making them ideal if you have limited roof space. Polycrystalline panels, on the other hand, are typically blue with a slightly varied surface pattern. They are less efficient per square meter but are often more affordable, making them a good choice if you have ample roof space and want to reduce upfront costs.

Different solar panel options with Photoncycle

With Photoncycle, you can choose between three solar panel solutions. If you already have a solar panel system, you can opt to only get the Photoncycle unit, which stores the energy your system produces. This option depends entirely on the production capacity of your existing system. In this option, you are granted a discount on the monthly subscription price.

Another solution is to install solar panels on your roof. The panels included in the Photoncycle subscription are modules from Swiss company Megasol, completely black and compatible with most roof types.

A third option are the solar roof tiles. If you're planning a roof replacement, this is the most elegant solution. You save on other roofing materials, and the solar functionality is fully integrated. We use Match Slates from Megasol, available in two colors.

Sell your surplus power

If your system produces more energy than you can use you can sell the surplus to the electricity grid. Sales typically happen immediately, and because many people produce electricity from renewables at the same time, the price received for your electricity is often low.

While it may sound appealing to sell your electricity, it’s almost always more beneficial to use it yourself. The difference between buying and selling electricity can be at least sixfold due to differences in tariffs, taxes, and grid fees.

Storing your surplus energy when prices are low and production is high—and selling it later when prices have stabilized—makes home storage systems a smart financial choice.

Adding a battery storage to your solar panel system

The electricity generated by solar panels is used immediately in your home. However, solar panels often produce more electricity than you can use at that moment—especially during sunny hours when consumption is low. To avoid wasting this valuable energy, many systems allow you to add a battery to store the excess energy for later use, such as in the evening or at night when the sun isn’t shining.

Adding a battery makes financial sense because it allows you to maximize self-consumption of your solar energy, reducing the need to buy expensive electricity from the grid. Since the price you pay for electricity from the grid is significantly higher than what you earn by selling surplus electricity, storing and using your own energy is often more cost-effective.

There are two main battery options:

  • Short-term storage with lithium-ion batteries, which can store energy for use within the same day or over a few days.
  • Long-term or seasonal storage, like Photoncycle’s solid-state hydrogen system, which allows you to store summer surplus energy for use in winter—providing true energy independence year-round.

A hybrid solar system first meets your home’s electricity needs and then stores any surplus in the battery, helping you reduce grid reliance and lower your energy bills.

Monitor your production

Solar systems can be connected with smart energy management systems that include an app to help manage and optimize the energy consumption at your home. Through the app, you can track production, automatically optimize consumption (e.g., schedule your heat pump or EV charging for peak solar hours), and in some cases, use weather data to forecast production and decide if it's worthwhile to buy electricity at night.

How large should my solar panel system be?

The number of solar panels you need depends on several factors. A key consideration is your annual electricity consumption—that is, how much electricity your household uses over the course of a year. However, it’s also important to understand your peak consumption, which refers to the times when multiple appliances are used simultaneously—typically in the morning and evening when cooking, heating, laundry, and EV charging often overlap. Peak demand is especially high during winter months, particularly if your home uses electric heating or a heat pump, but this demand cannot be covered by a traditional solar panel system.

With Photoncycle’s seasonal energy storage, this changes entirely. Because Photoncycle allows you to store excess electricity from peak generation hours—especially during summer—you can size your solar panel system based on your total yearly consumption, rather than just peak-hour needs. This means you can maximize your solar production throughout the year, store the surplus, and use it when needed, even months later in winter.

For example, a household of 3–4 people may have a peak load of 5–8 kW, for which a solar system of 6–10 kWp is typically recommended. (kWp = kilowatt-peak, indicating the system’s maximum output). With Photoncycle, you can confidently scale your system to meet annual needs without worrying about wasting excess energy or being dependent on the grid during winter.

Other factors like roof orientation, angle, and shading from trees or nearby buildings also impact system performance. In optimal conditions, a 100 m² roof can generate 20–25 MWh of electricity annually, more than enough for most households—especially when combined with Photoncycle’s ability to store and manage energy efficiently.

What does a solar panel system cost?

Prices vary widely, depending on:

  • The size of the system
  • Panel efficiency
  • Whether you include battery storage
  • The type of installation/setup

For a new solar system, you can expect prices around DKK 100,000–120,000.

What do solar panels cost with Photoncycle?

With a Photoncycle subscription, you pay a fixed monthly fee that includes everything—solar panels, storage unit, installation, and maintenance. There are no large upfront costs.

Do I need a building permit to install solar panels?

You typically don’t need a permit if panels follow your roof’s slope and don’t protrude. You may need one if the installation significantly alters the building’s appearance.

Always check local regulations, homeowners’ association rules, etc., regarding materials, roof pitch, color, and reflectivity.